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Friday Figures - 22 Mar

While it’s important to acknowledge progress, we take a look at figures from the latest USC Annenberg’s ‘Inclusion in the Recording Studio?’ report that digs into the more sobering, behind-the-scenes numbers. We could put in percentages, but sometimes, seeing the actual figure really strikes us with the disparity that persists (in this case, women of colour producer credits across 900 songs of the Billboard Hot 100 Year-End Charts was only 19/1972 - equal to 0.01%!). Women and gender diverse artists, and those from underrepresented backgrounds may have grown to be more visible on the output/artist level. But as we see from further readings of the report, the behind-the-scenes roles for non-white women continue to see even starker disparity when looking beyond gender. 

If you haven’t already, what are you waiting for – read the latest report here.